
We have extensive experience in capital markets legal services, advising on financial structuring, contract drafting and negotiation, dealing with the Japanese Finance Bureau, the Fair Trading Commission or other regulatory authorities for the following types of projects

  • Public and private offering of securities, drafting and submitting necessary securities reports, prospectuses, internal procedures documents, etc.
  • Proposing and preparing takeover bid (TOB); and drafting TOB reservation agreements, TOB reports, and other necessary documents
  • Issuing additional shares or reservation rights to new stocks to designated third parties by listed companies
  • Designing share repurchase programs
  • Advising on insider trading regulations, interim disclosure, reports on equity changes, and other regulations stipulated in the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as well as stock exchange rules
  • Advising on IPO preparation, corporate restructuring, transaction architecture analysis and proposals, drafting of information disclosure documents and stock exchange submissions, and negotiations with relevant authorities

We work with lawyers from KWM China and the Hong Kong offices in IPO and bond issuance projects involving the capital markets of the Hong Kong SAR, Shanghai, Shenzhen and other locations, to advise Japanese target companies on legal due diligence, legal opinion drafting, and internal control system construction.

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