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The global network is strategically positioned in the world's growth markets and financial centres, we're on the ground where you need us most.

Office Locations

cloud offices
Pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved and enhance our client experience
KWM has launched a series of KWM CloudOffices to support our clients in cities and jurisdictions where we do not have a physical office. Recent times have seen an accelerated development, use and adoption of digital technologies, transforming the way we work, communicate and collaborate. Taking advantage of the key trends in technology, we are bringing our cross-regional and global teams together in a virtual environment, to respond to clients' needs and to reinforce King & Wood Mallesons' standing as one of the world's most innovative law firms.

Cloud Office Locations

KWM CloudOffices do not provide legal advice in relation to, or practise, local law in the jurisdictions where we do not have a physical presence. Any legal services undertaken by KWM will be provided by one or more of the separate King & Wood Mallesons member firms as described in the Terms of use & legal notices and only in relation to the laws of jurisdictions in which the relevant member firm is licensed to practise.