Food & Agribusiness

Food & Agribusiness lawyers with deep-rooted expertise in the sector

Unprecedented and growing global demand for food and agricultural products, including high-protein, high-quality food and beverages, is a key catalyst and driver for the continually changing and innovating food and agribusiness sector.

With a team of experts based in or at the doorstep of the world’s growth markets and engaged across a broad array of projects and matters, we are right at the centre of this dynamic landscape. 

Investment into, and trading with, Australian and regional agribusinesses and food businesses can be optimised through engaging legal advisers with a full range of legal and regulatory expertise, a deep understanding of the sector, and a strong history of delivering results.

King & Wood Mallesons has the leading Food & Agribusiness team across Australia.

Our long-standing specialist team has a first-class track record advising Australian and multinational businesses and investors (including private equity and funds) on their investments and operational and trade-related issues across:

  • primary production and commodities (including horticulture and protein)
  • value-added production (including marketing, IP and labelling)
  • enabling technologies (such as agtech)
  • resources and critical infrastructure (such as water, rail and ports)
  • operational issues (including employment, sustainability and environmental compliance).

We are actively involved in regulatory reform initiatives, and clients benefit from our relationships with industry bodies and key advisers (including financiers and property consultants) and across international markets. The team also works very closely with our retail & consumer specialist colleagues.

Our approach is underpinned by our overriding client service focus, and the robust resources and depth of a top-tier international law firm, ensuring we provide the best outcomes for you.

As a full service law firm, we have experience and market-leading insights across all aspects of the food and agribusiness sector including: mergers & acquisitions including private equity and joint ventures, foreign investment approval, trade, commercial agreements, funding and trade finance, property ownership and usage issues,  infrastructure access, commodities trading, intellectual property, provenance and labelling requirements, employment and workplace safety, climate and sustainability, competition and tax.

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