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As a leading global law firm, King & Wood Mallesons has a brand that is trusted and respected. Unfortunately this means that there are people who use our brand to attempt to carry out fraudulent schemes. We are aware of a number of fraudulent communications (usually e-mails and letters) claiming to be from our firm.

How can you protect yourself?

  • The contact information listed on our website will always be the most accurate information for King & Wood Mallesons and its Partners and employees. We encourage you to independently verify details given to you on any email, letter or telephone call if you have reason to believe that the communication is not legitimate.
  • If you receive a communication purporting to be from King & Wood Mallesons and are unsure as to its authenticity, please contact the Privacy Officer at King & Wood Mallesons via email privacy.officer@au.kwm.com.

King & Wood Mallesons is not responsible for any losses incurred in connection with a fraudulent communication