Automotive, Manufacturing & Industrials

Rising to meet the challenge of dynamic markets

KWM advises on the full product lifecycle and works with clients in every stage of the production, movement, buying and selling of goods around the world. It is this connectivity throughout the supply chain which defines our Automotive, Manufacturing and Industrial sector expertise in Asia.

To drive success in Asia, Automotive, Manufacturing and Industrial businesses need to get to the heart of what it means to adapt and ensure that they are future-fit for the region. In an industry where the sum of its constituent parts requires synergy across the supply chain, the need to drive growth and value which hits the bottom line must be underpinned by innovation and the optimisation of work practices and processes. This is against a backdrop of changing market dynamics, geopolitical challenges, social and environmental expectations, and disruptive technological and scientific forces. However, Automotive, Manufacturing and Industrial businesses who are able to harness these factors to their benefit will outrun the competition.

Our multidisciplinary team of lawyers understands what it means to meet these opportunities and challenges head-on.

Using our specialist expertise, we also help clients optimise their tax structures and industrial relations frameworks, manage disputes, and comply with regulatory requirements relating to market power and occupational health and safety requirements.

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